The SURE Program Final Competition in Bucharest  

At the end of July, five finalist teams from Romania, Poland, and Moldova gathered in Bucharest for the SURE Program's first-semester final competition. After 15 weeks of dedicated research, preparation, and project implementation, these teams had the opportunity to present their efforts in promoting social cohesion and resilience in their communities.  

On the first day, the students participated in an opening meeting, where they had the opportunity to meet all the teams that had qualified for the final stage of the program. Participants also had the chance to meet with staff members from American Councils and EdVenture Partners.  

In the second part of the day, the participants engaged in rehearsals before the final night, guided by experts from EdVenture Partners, who shared insightful tips and valuable feedback on their presentations.  

During their stay in the Romanian capital, the participants attended an engaging workshop on media literacy led by Benjamin Thurn, Program Manager for Media Literacy Programs at American Councils for International Education. The interactive session equipped them with practical tools to understand and counteract disinformation.  

The students also had the opportunity to explore Bucharest, network with peers, and engage in meaningful discussions with experts, mentors, and American Councils staff members.  

On July 30, the air was filled with excitement as the SURE Program's final competition unfolded—a vibrant showcase of passion and dedication, with students presenting their hard work and commitment to promoting social cohesion and resilience within their communities. 

The event was honored by the presence of distinguished guests, including E.S. Kathleen Ann Kavalec, U.S. Ambassador to Romania, who delivered an inspiring opening speech, and E.S. Ihor Prokopchuk, Ambassador of Ukraine to Romania. 

The event featured insightful speeches from prominent figures, including Eliza Chirila-Pop, Country Director at American Councils for International Education - Romania; Michael Duffin, Principal Counsel at the Bureau to Combat Violent Extremism, U.S. State Department; Tony Sgro, Founder & CEO of EdVenture Partners; Jordan Galkowski, Senior Program Manager at EdVenture Partners; and Iuniana Mîndru, Senior Program Coordinator at American Councils for International Education - Romania. 

The competition was evaluated by an esteemed panel of experts: Carter Johnson, Regional Director at American Councils for International Education; Leah Urban, Consultant for Combating Human Trafficking at the International Organization for Migration; and Mirela Nicolae, Producer of Educational Programs at Radio Romania Cultural. Each team had seven minutes to present their work, followed by a question-and-answer session with the judges. 

The day was more than just a competition; it was a celebration of unity and the power of young people to drive positive change. The connections made and ideas shared highlighted the significant impact of cross-border collaboration on strengthening civil society. The atmosphere was charged with enthusiasm, dedication, and a shared commitment to making a difference. 

Winners of the First Semester:  

1st Place: Jagiellonian University - EMPA (Empathy Media Protection Awareness) 
2nd Place: Babeș-Bolyai University - away/home 
3rd Place: Free International University of Moldova - MediaMind Unity 

Congratulations to the winners for their outstanding achievements and to all participants for their meaningful contributions to important causes! Your dedication and hard work have truly made a difference. 

As we wrap up this semester of the SURE Program, we are filled with optimism and anticipation for the next. The bonds formed and the ideas generated during this competition are a testament to the power of youth-driven change. We eagerly look forward to the future as we continue to build a united and resilient Europe together. 

The SURE Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and implemented by American Councils for International Education and EdVenture Partners. 


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